I'm Frkri, a software developer who makes some stuff online

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Doodle Canvas

Here you can draw to your heart's content. Use the toolbar to select your color and pencil radius. This canvas also supports input devices that emit pressure sensitivity, meaning you can draw with varying line thicknesses.

Your doodles are saved automatically in your browser's local storage and each page has its own canvas, so you can doodle on multiple pages without losing your progress.

Keyboard support

You can use the following keys to draw on the canvas while it has focus:

  • space to draw or erase. Needs to be held down while moving the pencil.
  • arrowup or w or k to move the pencil up.
  • arrowdown or s or j to move the pencil down.
  • arrowleft or a or h to move the pencil left.
  • arrowright or d or l to move the pencil right.

Additionally, you can use the following shortcuts:

  • escape Close the canvas.
  • shift Toggle between drawing and erasing.
  • ctrl + z or u Undo the last action.
  • + Increase the pencil radius.
  • - Decrease the pencil radius.
  • = Reset the pencil radius.